Politics with a religious flavour

There are some obvious parallels between the adoration of saffron leaders and the religiosity Indians are used to engaging in because of the guru shishya traditions. And though this is one of the clearest examples of religion informing politics, it's not the only one. There is also a "you must only say good things about me" kind of deflection going on.

RW bhakts will ask why media doesn't criticise the Left and when it is pointed out that it does, they'll say "ya but that's very little", completely ignoring the fact that those in power deserve more criticism because they possess more power and can affect the real lives of real people in very real ways.

This is analogous to how religious people often complain that only their religion is criticised while "those other religions" are allowed to go scot free. The obvious mistake they make of course, is that they lack perspective. In every country, atheists and secular parties get asked why they "only criticise one religion". In US, this complaint comes from Christians. In Pakistan this criticism comes from Muslims. In India, it comes from Hindus.

The behavioural pattern is the same. And the direct cause of it is narrow thinking and manufactured victimhood for those who are anything but victims. And the way they are kept thinking of themselves are victims is by preventing them from seeing life through other people's eyes.

The greatest enemy of dogma is perspective. When honest people see the world through lenses other than the ones provided by the religion that their parents handed to them when they were babies, they stop and examine their beliefs. And often, they keep the new lens for future use.

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