Some changes to Artless

Hello to you who read what I write, in addition to watching, listening, and joining me when I am live.

Artless is a newsletter that has reached your inboxes for more than a year now. And that is not going to stop. But certain changes have become necessary as a result of the fact that a large part of my output is now non-textual. In the last year, my live streaming and podcasting output has increased many times over and as a result, I have now moved to a new platform for my newsletter.

From now on, my emails will come to you from instead of the familiar Artless name. In addition to essays, there will also be videos, podcasts, interviews and live stream recordings. The topics I covered will be the same and nothing will change on that front. The goal of my work will continue to be exploration of contemporary Indian culture. And it will be done through the lens of social justice awareness, atheism, and questioning the powerful.

If you need to recommend this newsletter to anyone from now on, you should send them over to

Everything else remains the same. Here's hoping to have you along in this next phase of the journey.

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