Let me tell you about something I've noticed happening quite a bit lately. I like to call it the "hijacking of the Liberal worldview." You might have a different name for it, but it's definitely something worth knowing about. It's even connected to the recent situation where Rahul Gandhi was targeted and disqualified from Parliamrnt for making allegedly anti-OBC remarks.
You know how the Right Wing typically has certain characteristics, right? They love the "good old days," they're suspicious of "outsiders," and they're pretty gung-ho about military action. Now, Liberals don't necessarily have a problem with these ideas, but they take issue with how the Right Wing uses them. For example, the Right can twist respect for tradition into anti-science beliefs and make the military seem unquestionable. Liberals respect both the past and the military, but they do so within reason—which never seems to satisfy the Right.
But when it comes to the fear of outsiders, that's where Liberals and the Right really differ. Liberals usually think society should welcome all people, while the further Right you go, the more xenophobia you see. "Outsiders" get blamed for everything from crime to unemployment to poor sanitation. The Right Wing narrative almost always focuses on being anti-outsider. That's why the whole Rahul Gandhi situation is so intriguing—they're accusing him of being against a particular community.
The way it's framed makes it seem like Rahul Gandhi is against OBCs, which allows people who target him to claim they're more liberal than Liberals or to guilt-trip them with questions like, "What kind of Liberal are you?" or "Don't you want to support marginalized communities?". It's a sneaky move to use your empathy against you, twisting your beliefs into something that can be attacked. This isn't just some innocent mistake; it's a calculated attempt to hijack the Liberal perspective and use it to support discrimination.
At the same time, it gives comfort to those Right Wingers who aren't full-on bigots. They can look at this situation and think they're doing something good, and that anyone who opposes their view must be a bad person. Deep down, the bigoted Right knows that hate isn't a sustainable solution. Sure, spite can rally people together, but it's hard to keep that up for a long time. Hateful people tend to be unhappy, and unhappy people start questioning their beliefs. So, that's why they try to add a little Liberal seasoning to the mix.
It's important to remember that the Right Wing, at its core, isn't genuinely interested in inclusivity since its foundation is built on exclusion. They're aware that their exclusionary stance isn't attractive—after all, who wants to be on the side of bitter, angry, and whiny children all the time? So, they put on a façade of caring about marginalized communities to make their agenda more palatable. By pretending to care about inclusivity, they're able to draw in those who might not otherwise support their cause. This manipulative tactic is just another way the Right Wing hijacks the Liberal worldview, twisting it to serve their own exclusionary goals while making it seem like they're on the side of fairness and justice.
This post is a rewritten version of a piece I wrote last year. It was rewritten using ChatGPT4 and edited by me.
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